Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

my daily vitamin ~

helo ~ ~
I has many friend who is always there when love and grief beside. they are:
@ Catraww -> Catra sanktirta elmaradi: a man who is kind, friendly, always cheerful, humorous, caring, friendly, basically he's a man who (Y)
@ Gitsis ---> gita siswari: oh she is a very good-hearted soulmate! beautiful, friendly, mature, smart. she is a woman who (Y)
@ Naufalbay -> muhammad naufal bayu aji : smart, fat, funny, kind, always a smile that was never angry with him.
@ Tasyatsab -> Tasya tsabita hesaputri: beautiful, slang, small, narrow, white, hahaha. he's kind. sometimes adults are sometimes childish. but he's a good female friend (Y)

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